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ARD-244, Series Programer 24 and 25 EEPROM CH341A 24 25 SERIES EEPROM Flash B

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Product SKU: 41150

The ch341a mini programmer is used to program the eprom 24-Series and Flash 25-Series Bios Computers, Laptops, Video Cards, TV Sets, etc.The Program Has Two Modes of Operation: 1. Main Mode-Programmer (Jumper in Position 1-2) 2. Optional mode-USB-to-UART (TTL) Bridge (Jumper in Position 2-3) To Start Using the Programmer, You Need to Install the Driver and Software: Download Software (CH341A Programmer 1.3) and Driverby Linksyness Win98, Winme, Winbuk, Winxp, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10 (32-64 Bit) unpack the downloaded archive.connect the program to computer (must light the power led) .Te Yellow Jumper Should be in playing 1-2 1-2. , which corresponds to the program 10 usually installs the driver with problems. Checked repeated.If windows 7 circuits not install the driver, find in the downloaded archive folder ch341Parallel _ Driver _ Support Win7 and Install the Driver from it. The jumper on the program should be in position 1-2.If the driver is installed correctly, then in the windows device manager you will find your device:

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