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Product SKU: 38696
DCD796 Battery Vibration Drill/Underlying 18V; 2000rpm; 70NMDCF887 18V battery stroke; 0-3250rpm; 205NMDCL050 Battery LED 18V; 250-500LMDCS391 Battery Circular Saw 18V; 5150rpm; 165x20mmdcs331 battery sting 18V; 3000RPM3 x 5.0AH Li-ion Batteryzalzal Quick Charger i Suitcase VI Suitcard796N Combined Drillercf886N Wrinkling Undo-Brush-Shrew (Brushless) Variable Speed via RPM: 0-550RPM and 0-2000 Mmax. torque (hard): 70nmax. torque (soft): 27nmax. Metal drilling: 13mmmax. Wood drilling: 40mmmax. Concrete drilling: 13mmmkapacity of stunning head: 1.5mm to 13mmmgraded Letterer for lighting lamps for hanging beltdimensions: 185mm x 205mm x 70mm flow: 1.4kgmg without brushes (Brushless) Turn speed: 0-550rpm and 0-2800rpm: 0-550rpm and 0-28 up to 3200ipmax. torque: 165nmaximal Receipt: M123 LED Halo Ring Lighting Aluminum Bitter Delay: 1/4 "Hanging Hanging of Bitilick for Biti-Shonomic Handkeeping: 140mm x 245mm Speed without load: 0 to 3000spm length On the movement of the saw: 26mmmag for cutting up to: 45 left and right -winging speed via a button -changing no -fusher. Cutting wood: 135mmmax. Metal Cutting: 10mmm -coated dusty -bundling: 305mm x 215mm to: 50 Disk Dimension: 165mm x 24 Lack of Motor Max Dyskelectronic Changing. Cutting Deep at 90: 55mmmax. Cutting Deplation at 45: 42mmguminated Handdown: 360mm x 240mmmmmmmmmmmmmm jawarial lighting: Max Light or Max. Light Battery: 250lm to 500LMDO 10 hours Shining9 Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters: IP54 Dimensions: 345mm x 95mm
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