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Player Wy Keeland

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Product SKU: Q8U7435JEM

I met Brody Easton in the men's locker room. I was about to do my first interview as a sports journalist. The famous quarterback decided to get naked. No, he didn't tell me his secrets, he didn't bare his soul to me. The cocky player decided to remove the towel tied around his waist the moment I asked him the first question. And the interview went live! But I don't date players - handsome and self-satisfied guys who only care about sex. Not because I'm one of the few women working in the world of professional sports. There is no greater player than Brodie Easton. Every woman longs to change it. But he needed a girl worth changing for. Turns out I'm that girl. Simple as beans, right? But it's never that simple. There is a whole story between They Were Once and They Lived Happily Ever After. And this one is ours.

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