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PHARMAS PROBalance Lady - Vaginalette x14

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Product SKU: PHRMS-16

PROBalans Lady are vaginal tablets that: reduce the pH of the vaginal mucosa, improve the elasticity of the vaginal wall, restore the vaginal microflora and prevent the growth of pathogens on the mucosa.

Due to all these characteristics , PROBalans Lady vaginal tablets have a beneficial effect in:

  • Fungal infections;
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Post-antibiotic therapy;
  • Menopause.
The medical device PROBalance Lady includes in its composition:
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus which restores the vaginal microflora, inhibits the colonization of pathogens, reduces the pH of the microenvironment, and produces H 2 O 2 and bacteriocins against G. Vaginalis ;
  • Lactic acid that: maintains the pH of the vaginal mucosa, inhibits pathogenic strains, inhibits metalloproteinases and preserves the integrity of the cervix, reduces infections of the upper genital tract;
  • Isoflavones (especially useful in menopause) which increase the level of glycogen and thus: promote the trophism of the mucosa, reduce the symptoms of atrophy (itching, pain, erythema) and restore the pH value of the vaginal contents.

PROBalance Lady: How to use:

  • 1 tablet at night before going to bed, vaginally;
  • To be inserted for 14 days, starting one week before menstruation or immediately after the end of the cycle;
  • Do not use it for longer than 20 days, without prior consultation with a gynecologist.

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