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Product SKU: 4UPH-17

Pregnatol Active Folate + vit B12 contains folate in active form under the trade name QUATREFOLIC ® Quatrefolic ® is folate – glucosamine salt of folic acid, in natural form. By structure, it is an active form of folic acid – no enzyme is needed in the body for its activation and use. In salt form, folate is naturally found in food (green vegetables). In addition, glucosamine salts are naturally found in our body. The terms folic acid and folate are often used interchangeably for a water-soluble vitamin B complex necessary for maintaining cellular function and health, and is especially important in preparation for and during pregnancy. The essential difference between folate and folic acid is that folate is in its natural form , while folic acid is synthesized chemically. The chemically synthesized form – folic acid, our body cannot use. It must be activated by enzymes in the body through four steps. Studies have shown and confirmed that 30 to 50% of women (depending on the country) cannot activate and use the folic acid taken at all, because they genetically lack the enzyme that should activate it. In these women, all of the ingested folic acid remains free to circulate in the blood, potentially causing side effects for both mother and baby. Folate, in its natural, active form, is reliably completely absorbed and utilized! Vitamin B12 in active form Vitamin B12 exists in four forms . The most common form of vitamin B12 in vitamin products is cyanocobalamin. It is a chemically synthesized form of vitamin B12, and the other three forms are natural and are found in food and in the body. Chemically synthesized cyanocobalamin cannot be used in the body, but must be activated by enzymes. When activated, a cyanide molecule is released, which is harmful. The product Pregnatol Active Folate + vit B12 contains two natural, active forms of vitamin B12 – methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin . They are naturally found in the body. Methylcobalamin – acts in the cell and adenosylcobalamin is found in all tissues and 20% in the blood. It plays an important role in energy production, has a protective effect on nerves and participates in the metabolism of amino acids and hormones. These are active forms and therefore the body uses them immediately and completely and without any harmful release of molecules. Vitamin B12, just like folate, is extremely important throughout pregnancy. It is extremely important to use vitamin B12 together with active folate throughout pregnancy. In cooperation with vitamin B12, coenzyme folate enables the conversion of the mentioned amino acid homocysteine into methionine. The lack of this conversion is associated with various pathologies and diseases. Recommended daily folate intake during pregnancy Pregnatol Active folate with vitamin B12 contains natural forms – active folate and active vitamin B12 in the recommended daily dose during pregnancy, prescribed by the European Agency. The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) recommends an intake of 600 µg of folic acid per day. It is recommended to use 600 µg per day, 12 weeks before the planned pregnancy, during the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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