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Product SKU: DRBCFF-5

Proangi is a complex biocomplex of plant antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory substances (flavonoids, terpenes, aromatic acids, esters, etc. Proangi's pharmacodynamic action is carried by propolis and sage. The antibacterial action is directed against 74 bacterial strains from 19 types of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria ( 20 strains of staphylococcus (including strains resistant to methicillin, ampicillin, gentamicin, lincomicin, cloxacillin), 10 strains of Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Proteus, Myc.tuberculosis, brucellosis. Proangi is twice as effective against Gr+ bacteria. The anti-inflammatory effect of Proangi is due to the action of sage and flavonoids (acacetin and quartzetin) from propolis. They strengthen the capillary wall, increase the ability of serum proteins (especially gamma globulins) to bind to histamine, thereby eliminating its inflammatory effect. They act as antioxidants ( they save vitamin C from binding with chelate bonds to metals) protect the intercellular substance and protect adrenaline by inhibiting the enzyme 0-methyl transferase. Sage and propolis neutralize Herpes simplex virus, A2 influenza virus, as well as Candida albicans. Proangi actively participates in the body's immune response, activates complement and increases the phagocytic activity of the serum. By increasing the value of properdin it activates the alternative pathway of complement, at the same time it increases the values of agglutinins in the blood. Antimicrobial substances are heat stable. Proangi, with its trophic-granulation activity due to the increased mitotic activity of the fibrocytes, quickly restores the damaged mucous membrane to its normal state. Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain when swallowing and facilitate breathing. Composition: 20.0gr Propolis extract (Propolis extract); 0.3gr Sage (Salviae off.); 0.6gr Mint (Menthae Piperitae); 0.5gr Sweet Anise (Foeniculum Vulgare); 0.1 gr Eucalyptus (Oleum Eucalyptus); 0.3gr Menthol (Menthol); Diluted alcohol (Aethanolum Dilutum). Dosage: 3-4 sprays, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

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