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Sweet-talking stranger Lisa Kleypas

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Product SKU: V0k4783OXh1

Jack Travis has a fairly simple and uncomplicated life as a Texas millionaire and playboy. He makes no promises, loves many women and lives for pleasure. But the truth is that no one has ever touched his soul and reached his heart. He is untamed and carefree until the moment a woman appears at his door with visible rage on her face and a baby in her arms. The angry woman is the baby's aunt and she claims that Jack is the baby's father. The real mother abandoned the child, leaving the care of it to her more responsible sister. And now, Jack is being asked to take responsibility for the first time in his life. With irresistible romantic tension and characters so alive that you seem to be walking the pages and straight into your heart, Lisa Kleypas has once again created one of those stories that make you laugh, cry, and leave an eternal mark on your heart and mind.

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